Free Sample, Anyone?

Who doesn’t love a good sample?

There’s the Amen Break from the Winstons, the Funky Drummer from The Godfather of Soul himself and the orchestra hit from any number of ‘80s synthesizers. All classics.

Speaking of classics, there’s the Classic FRIDAYS Combo appetizer sampler at, well, we’ll let you guess the place.

Hell, Costco’s entire business model is to get you to come for the free snacks, stay for the packs of 12 tube sock pairs and a 55-gallon drum of corn oil. (Plus the churros you can grab on your way out. Delicious.)

Pop culture is based on all kinds of swatches, remixes, reappropriations, references, cross references, mixed references and...whew. Sorry, got a bit carried away. We’re out of breath. Maybe we should be called Two Designers Who Need to Hit the Gym.

Have you taken a look at our episode art? We chose collage because the very nature of each installment is taking what’s in the world, examining it again for the first time, breaking it down, combining it with other stuff and creating something new.

That meme you love? A sample. The snarky t-shirt with the movie reference? A sample. Spoof products? A sample. The funny movie quote dropped into a conversation at just the right moment? A sample. (Yes, we do believe that “Coffee's for closers.”)

Great pop culture, like great design, it always beholden to what came before it, influenced it, and helped today’s TikTok mixmeister or Photoshop prankster change the game.

In the spirit of those with large appetites and little time, we have been working on “best of” episodes from our first season. The first one has been posted and is available for your listening pleasure.

Now that you’ve given your ears something to do, mosey on over to the deli section and treat yourself to a handful of those cheese cubes they just put out. It’s only fitting. After all, if you’re a regular lister, we’re confident you love cheese of all kinds.


Nostalgia, with Extra Cheese.


In Landmark Deal, Podcast Acquired by Wikipedia