It’s Your Thing. Do Watcha Wanna Do.

What’s your thing?

We all have one, whether we think about it or not. And no, we don’t mean that, so get your mind out of the gutter.

Everyone has the thing that defines them. Could be a particular band. A brand of shoes. A preference for a certain type of pet. A hobby. A profession. A celebrity they love. (Sorry again for the two of us snooping around your movie sets, Mr. Clooney.)

Whatever your thing is, there are things that make up and represent that thing. If you’re a diehard Apple person, it’s your Mac or iPhone. If you’re a musician, it’s your guitar (or “guitars” with an “s” if you’re like some of the folks we know). You get the idea.

And all of those things were designed by people for people.

All designers love things. The two of us certainly do. When you listen to our episodes, you learn that very often people experience the world through things. Or things that represent other things. Think for a moment about the origin of the word “icon,” for example.

So what are some of our things? Well, that could take a while to unpack. We mean that literally. We should both be on an episode of Hoarders. Movies, magazines, music, stamps, posters, stickers, packaging, clothing, food, candy, toys and TV shows. Things that fly, light up, spin around, explode and make us laugh. Yeah, we love stuff.

These things represent childhood nostalgia, traveling, eating, drinking, sleeping, watching, listening, dreaming. They represent life. They represent us.

Our podcast celebrates the connections we made with all this stuff and the people who helped bring it into the world. It helps us examine who we are, how we got here, and informs where we’re headed next.

We hope it does the same for you. When one of our topics strikes a chord, reach out and let us know. Does a story remind you of a friend? Pass it along to them to share the joy and spread the love.

They say, “Money can’t buy happiness.” That the best things in life aren’t always the most expensive ones. However, it can help with those items that, for whatever the reason, contain “must-have” emotional value and have a great story behind them.

So hop onto eBay. Buy that childhood lunchbox or old comic book you love. And if you happen to collect stickers...well, boy, do we have something for you! Add a few more to your collection when you share your review of our podcast on the platform of your choice.


In Landmark Deal, Podcast Acquired by Wikipedia


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