These Guys Were Made for Talkin’

Churchill, Kennedy, Lincoln, Mandela, MLK. What do all of these iconic orators have in common?

We haven’t met a single one of them.

But we have studied their great works. Then we followed that with a marathon of TED talks. And then we followed that with a long nap.

Freshly learned and rested, we’re ready for our big moment.

Yes, it’s official. People are asking us to speak to them. In real-time. In public.

In fact, we have two gigs coming up.

The first is for SEO Rocket, a company here in North Carolina, our home state. It’s about storytelling, something we obviously enjoy and we’re guessing you enjoy as well. The best part is that it’s 100% free.

If you’re not doing anything on June 30, why not spend an hour or so with us?

The second is for the Austin, Texas chapter of AIGA, a national design organization. This time we’re talking about inspiration. Where it comes from, what we do once it strikes. You get the idea. That’s happening on July 15 and it’s going to be at a brewpub. And it’s free. What’s not to like? Reserve your spot now!

And like any good entertainers, we’re always looking for more gigs. College professors and instructors, podcast hosts with a design or pop culture proclivity, and professionals looking for that next bit of inspiration, the other bazillion chapters of design and arts organizations, we’re looking at you.

We’re so officially official, we even have a press kit. Knock yourself out.

So help us tell our story while we help you tell yours. Start by attending one of our talks. Take some notes. Say hello. Be sure to ask a question—the best ones will be rewarded with some of our swag.

We look forward to seeing you soon at the bar.


Are You Not Entertained?


Hooray for Hollywood. And Neighborhood Bars.