Episode 01: MAD Magazine, Humor and Finding Pop Culture Inspiration


In our first episode, we discuss our podcast’s humble beginnings including a conversation about illustrator Mort Drucker that got the ball rolling, meeting William Shatner and why MAD Magazine and the movie Airplane! are important parts of our creative sensibilities, and how our show got its name. We consider why all creative people are pack rats and how collecting PEZ dispensers is not a waste of Todd’s time, money or shelf space. And we answer the all-important questions about what “corn pone” means and why a visual medium like design needs an audio medium like a podcast.

E X T R A S :

History of MAD Magazine
Mort Drucker NYT Obituary
PEZ Dispensers
Philip Meggs

Great minds think alike! Design historian Steven Heller describes how MAD Magazine inspired his creative sensibilities. (PRINT article)

“The Irreverent Legacy of MAD Magazine” (CBS News Sunday Morning video)


Episode 02: KISS, The Bicentennial and the Year 1976