Episode 25: Carnivalé, Six Feet Under and the Joy of Title Design


Nothing sets the stage for a TV show or movie quite like title design. Today we explore two different examples of amazing work that went above and beyond to get viewers excited about each episode of two shows on HBO, Carnivalé and Six Feet Under. We talk about the hints these openers drop, the stories they contain and the talented people who brought them to life, so don’t touch that dial.

E X T R A S :

(Top to bottom): Series logo, stills from the opening credits to Carnivàle


Opening credits (YouTube video)
Program background (Wikipedia article, IMDb page, HBO page)
A52 website

(Top to bottom): Series logo, Danny Yount sketches, Danny Yount storyboard, propping up the infamous tree, the final still, toe tag from Danny Yount final cut, still with the equally infamous raven


Six Feet Under
Director’s cut (Vimeo video)
Program background (Wikipedia article, IMDb page, HBO page)
Project background (“Art of the Title” article)
Interview with Paul Matthaeus (Washington Post article)
Speech by Danny Yount (Dailymotion link)


Episode 26: Hobos, Dollar Bills and Secret Codes Hidden in Plain Sight


Episode 24: Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman, Tarantula and the Amazing Art of Reynold Brown