Season 3 Preview: The Beats, Studio 54, ’80s Modern and ’90s Grunge


With our upcoming third season, we’re going to be mixing it up a little bit from our first two seasons. Think themes. Think mini-series.

We heard streaming services like Netflix make crazy money with these things so we thought, Why not?

(We have a rather large bar tab we need to pay.)

Anyway… We’re still talking design and pop culture, but how certain people in specific eras left lasting impressions on our culture.

Think the Beats and Studio 54. ’80s modern and ’90s grunge.

We’re hard at work on these episodes right now. In the meantime, catch-up on past ones you may have missed, visit our YouTube channel to see what we look like in person, visit our website for episode notes and other extras, and be sure to review us on your listening platform of choice.

We look forward to sharing drinks and conversation very, very soon.

E X T R A S :

As you can see, we’re going to be discussing all kinds of good stuff.



Episode 41: The Beat Era: Kerouac’s On the Road and the Movement It Started


Bar Snacks with Kyle T. Webster (Episodes 37 through 40)