Does the World Need Another Design Podcast?

We’re going to be perfectly honest with you. Listening to our podcast will not help you with your dandruff problem. It won’t make your breath fresher, nor will it add years to your life or inches to

We’ve seen lots of podcasts about design that are geared towards professional practice: tools to use, ways to grow your business, metrics to be mindful of. All good topics. What we’re not seeing is a celebration of the work that inspires people to become designers and keeps them popping out of bed each morning to make something new.

While design is a profession one may discover by accident, it takes discipline, creativity and intelligence to keep making good work. And ours is a profession where we all stand on the shoulders of giants whose output has provided influence in a number of different ways.

So if you take your work seriously but not yourself, if you love pop culture in all its wide-ranging glory, and if you want to have two knowledgeable yet goofy people be your design culture guides, then it doesn’t matter if the world needs this podcast. It just matters if you need it.


Who Are You Two Knuckleheads?