Who Are You Two Knuckleheads?

How much time do you have? Look, we know it’s not nice to answer a question with a question, but you started it. And this is the only subject we can claim to have true expertise about.

Elliot Strunk and Todd Coats are two designers hailing from the great state of North Carolina, with Elliot resting his head on a pillow in Winston-Salem and Todd hanging his hat in Raleigh.

Elliot, originally from Ohio, moved to Raleigh in the 1990s and began stalking Todd. (Not in the creepy “I want to turn you into a lamp” kind of way, but in the “there was a time before LinkedIn” kind of way.) Todd, being the sucker that he is, asked Elliot to work with him after Elliot was canned from a design job. And a working relationship was built upon a friendship.

With a mutual profession, shared friends and senses of humor in common (Todd owned the movie Airplane! on beta), they both realized that the conversations they were having about the pop culture they were raised on (MAD Magazine), the work that inspires them (too many things to mention here, hence the podcast), and not wanting to be selfish with their wit and bottomless bucket of jokes (some accuse them of being too generous), a podcast was born. They are also fans of occasional long-winded, run-on sentences.


Why 1976?


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