Episode 52: Andy Warhol: Andy Becomes the Center of Pop Life


Easily New York’s most successful commercial illustrator, Ambitious Andy wanted to be accepted in the hoity-toity fine art world. Unfortunately, he found that would take a little time and the right moment. The explosion of consumerism set him up to be a household name.

E X T R A S :

(Top to bottom): Poster for Andy Warhol’s first solo show in Los Angeles (1962), advertisement for “The Super Dress” from Seventeen magazine (June, 1968), The Soup Dress itself (Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)

(Top to bottom): Comic strip lampooning both Warhol’s art and art critics themselves, one of Warhol’s oversize Brillo boxes (1964), a screen print reproducing a sheet of S&H Green Stamps (1965)


Andy Warhol Timeline (Rebecca Lowrey)

Andy Warhol Biography
(MoMA, The Andy Warhol Museum, Wikipedia)


Episode 53: Andy Warhol: New York and Rise of The Silver Factory - Part 1


Episode 51: Andy Warhol: The 1960s Scene and the Emergence of Pop