Episode 53: Andy Warhol: New York and Rise of The Silver Factory - Part 1


We begin with the first of two episodes talking about the rapid and unprecedented success of Andy Warhol’s Silver Factory. It was part studio, part party palace and part crash pad for tripping pop stars, street gurus and suicidal Superstars. It didn’t take long for Andy’s hangers-on and wanna-be this or thats to become household names within this hub of design, fine art, music, movies and celebrity worship.

E X T R A S :

(Top to bottom): All 32 of the Campbell’s Soup series found in MoMA (1962), “Shot Sage Blue Marilyn” (1964), front page of the New York Mirror (August 6, 1962), cover of the premier issue of Interview magazine (1969)


Andy Warhol Timeline (Rebecca Lowrey)

Andy Warhol Biography
(MoMA, The Andy Warhol Museum, Wikipedia)

“Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film” by Ric Burns
- Part 1 (YouTube), Part 2 (YouTube)


Episode 54: Andy Warhol: New York and Rise of The Silver Factory - Part 2


Episode 52: Andy Warhol: Andy Becomes the Center of Pop Life