Episode 06: Voodoo Doughnuts, Black Cat Fireworks and Other Unsung Logos
Today we talk logos from lesser-known companies we’ve stumbled upon that include a coffee drinking lion, a few black cats, a grasshopper, a penguin and a voodoo priest.
Episode 05: Rat Fink, Screaming Hands and West Coast Street Culture
For this episode, we’re talking illustration and rebellion: Ed “Big Daddy” Roth and his famous creation Rat Fink and Jim Phillips and his equally famous Screaming Hand.
Episode 04: Reddy Kilowatt, Big Boy and Advertising Mascots
We discuss how Reddy Kilowatt humanized electricity, Big Boy became a culinary icon, and both rose from humble beginnings to popularity stretching from coast-to-coast and across generations.
Episode 03: Rural Electrification, Hope for Obama and Posters for Good
We examine how Lester Beall and Shepard Fairey used the art of the poster to make the big ideas of bringing electricity to rural parts of the United States and inspiring a nation to rally behind an unknown presidential candidate named Barack Obama easy to understand.
Episode 02: KISS, The Bicentennial and the Year 1976
In 1976, our nation turned 200, KISS released Rock and Roll Over with Michael Doret’s amazing album art and the timeless bicentennial star logo from designer Bruce Blackburn was everywhere from postage stamps to NASA equipment.
Episode 01: MAD Magazine, Humor and Finding Pop Culture Inspiration
In our first episode, we discuss our humble beginnings including a conversation about illustrator Mort Drucker, meeting William Shatner, why MAD Magazine and the movie Airplane! are important parts of our creative sensibilities, and how our show got its name.